Jefferson Laruan, both farmer and preacher, owns an organic farm at Puguis, La Trinidad. He has said that either profession serves to add to the other, and from such harmony thrives his aptly named Lily of the Valley, where kale, swiss chard, strawberries, broccoli, snap peas and the like grow unadulterated, and pigs, rabbits, and chickens grow free from supplements and hormones. His aim is to provide Benguet and beyond affordable and healthy organic produce, as well as educate fellow-farmers to practice responsible and eco-friendly farming. Within Lily of the Valley is their homestay, a cafe, as well as a small spot for camping, where visitors can detox, hold private group activities, take tours, or help along with the harvest.
When asked why name his farm Lily of the Valley, Mr. Laruan only says because of its topography and its reference to the bible. In the Song of Solomon, the lily of the valley is often mentioned, perhaps because of its ability to grow and bear fruit in all conditions, perhaps because of its purity, perhaps because of its ability to heal, and given all these qualities, perhaps also its humility.
Interview- Jenette Vizcocho and Dane Raymundo
Video- M Espeña & Cris Legaspi
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