An emotion is highlighted by its subjectivity, brought about by our interpretation of situations. It is something that we feel, whether out of volition or not, a speculation that merits further discussions, and will always vary from one person to the other. In life we are given choices, a choice between practicing spiritual benevolence or senseless violence after a heated argument, a choice between entering a relationship or putting it on hold, that choice between finding diversion by focusing harder on our work or just sulking in our rooms after experiencing a heart break. These choices are part of our responses elicited from different types of emotions. Now thinking about it, we realize the magnitude of how our emotion affects us and the importance of what it is in our lives; important regardless of how vague it may seem. Emotion, just like most of the millennials’ relationship status, is complicated. Oftentimes it can be irrational but it can never be judged. Through it, we try to fathom the unfathomable, comprehend the incomprehensible and explain the unexplainable, but in hindsight we know we will never truly succeed.